The 4th Entrepreneurship Summit, organized by Yalova University International Relations Community (YUIT), took place with sessions held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. The opening speech of the conference held at Yalova University Mehmet School Congress and Culture Center by our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Taner Tatar. In the first session of the summit, Bahar Sunman, president of TriaTech Medical Systems, was the speaker with her presentation titled "Women-Led Technology Entrepreneurship Perspective". In the second session, Ahmet Balat, co-founder of Ahmet Balat Akademi & & Growty, was the speaker with his presentation titled "Digital Marketing Revolution". In the last session of the day and the summit, Vera Patent managing partner Gizem Çaylı Yasa gave her speech titled "Stories That Will Guide Entrepreneurs". The program ended after the question and answer session.